Privacy-Compliant Technology: Consent-Free Analysis

Harness the Full Potential of Your Website Traffic Consent-Free

At Scoby Analytics, our priority is to provide a solution that offers insights into the entire traffic of a website without requiring visitor consent and without compromising visitor privacy. Thanks to our close collaboration with German data protection experts and compliance with GDPR, ePrivacy, and Schrems II, we offer technology that does not require visitor consent.

Scoby Analytics – Privacy-Compliant Technology

  • Privacy Compliance: Our technology ensures compliance with the latest European and German data protection laws, enabling seamless implementation and operation without the need for visitor consents.

  • Complete Data: Gain full insights into visitor behavior on your website, without compromising data quality due to the rejection of cookies or trackers.

  • Trust Building: By preserving the digital privacy of your visitors, you foster their trust, leading to higher acceptance of your website.

Our technology takes the extra step to ensure that all visitors remain anonymous. This protects the privacy of your visitors while simultaneously providing you with the necessary insights to effectively manage your website. Rely on Scoby Analytics to maximize both the privacy and efficiency of your web analytics without any compromises.

Leverage the power of Scoby Analytics' consent-free technology and gain complete insights into your web activities without needing to seek visitor consent. Contact us to learn more.